Nivel Parts & Manufacturing

Nivel Parts & Manufacturing

Case Study: Nivel Parts & Manufacturing Cairo, GA Project Summary Replace existing legacy lighting system consisting of T5 and T12 fluorescent fixtures with LED fixtures. Footcandle readings averaged: Before Footcandle readings averaged: After Nivel Parts Before...
BIC Corporation

BIC Corporation

Case Study: BIC Corporation Charlotte, NC Project Summary Replace existing legacy lighting system consisting of metal halides, T5 fluorescent, and T8 fluorescent fixtures with LED fixtures. Footcandle readings averaged: Before Footcandle readings averaged: After BIC...


Case Study: Caterpillar Clayton, North Carolina Project Summary Replace existing legacy lighting system consisting of 250w, 400w, and 1000w metal halide fixtures with LED exterior fixtures. Footcandle readings averaged: Before Footcandle readings averaged: After...
All American Relocation

All American Relocation

Case Study: All American Relocation Charlotte, North Carolina Project Summary Replace existing legacy lighting system consisting of 400w metal halide fixtures with 104w LED highbay fixtures. Footcandle readings averaged: Before Footcandle readings averaged: After All...